Simon Haber

Assistant Principals
Teaching & Learning - Angela Roberts

The Assistant Principal Teaching & Learning oversees the development of the learning programs at Brinbeal Secondary College. Supporting staff to grow as educators and provide an engaging learning to our students. They work with the Disability Inclusion team to make our College inclusive for all students.
Engagement & Wellbeing – Justine Radford

The Assistant Principal Engagement & Wellbeing promotes engagement within the school community and develops student connectedness to the College. They work with College staff to provide a safe and supportive environment within the College. They also oversee the Wellbeing Team ensuring that our students have access to the support they need.
Business Manager - Monique Richards

The Business Manager’s role is to undertake tasks that impact on the whole school, including Finance, Human Resources, General Administration, Manage School Resources and Support School Council. The Business Manager is able to support families that may be having financial difficulties.
Leading Teachers & Learning Specialists
Junior Sub School Leader – Melissa Talevski

Sub School Leaders play an essential role in promoting the College Values within the school community. They work with staff to ensure College expectations are being met and work closely with families to provide the best outcomes for students.
Disability Inclusion – Mary Karlos

The Disability Inclusion Learning Specialist supports students who need additional learning support. They work with staff to provide differentiation and adjustments for our students and work closely with families to provide the best outcomes for students.
Wellbeing Team
Wellbeing Leader – Jasneev Bhatia

The Wellbeing Leader oversees the College’s wellbeing team, providing support to staff and students and promoting wellbeing within the College community. They offer individual support to students and develop whole school wellbeing initiatives.
Mental Health Practitioner – Stacey Johnson

The Mental Health Practitioner supports our students through the promotion positive mental health, short term support for students including direct counselling. They assist in coordinating supports with other services for students with complex needs.
Brinbeal Secondary College has a team of enthusiastic and dynamic teachers who are committed to providing engaging and inclusive learning for our students. Our staff participate in regular professional development and collaborate together to ensure our students learning needs are met. For 2024 Brinbeal Secondary College will have 16 teaching staff employed across the domains – English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, Health & Physical Education, Digital Technology, Materials Technology, Performing Arts and Visual Arts.
Education Support
Education Support staff form the backbone of any school. They provide support to staff and students in all aspects of the College operations. Brinbeal Secondary College has employed Education Support staff in the following roles:
Classroom Integration Aides
Literacy & Numeracy Intervention
Resource Centre
Information Technology
Science Laboratory Technician